dark value of rainbow gradation camel(Dh)101 Strongest red(PC)310N stormy grey(PC) 6160 60 50 40 30 20 10 cc soda ash added with dye batched overnight
a parfait with camel fuchsia and deep navy
Last year's baby cacti that Betty Ann gave to me. they are beautiful and healthy.
had to show off the baby cacti I have planted. I am so excited as teh smallest ones have been planted for about a month and haven't died. hard to find but there are 7 in total
parfait with strongest red and camel
all 3 values of the color wheel with fuchsia deep yellow and deep navy
dark value of a rainbow gradation. I used Camel(Dh)101 Strongest Red(PC)310N Stormy Grey(PC) 6160 Formula 60 50 40 30 20 10 soda ash added with dye. Overnight batching
medium value color wheel with fuchsia, deep yellow and deep navy
this is an 18 part dark value color wheel using Fuchsia(Dh) Deep Yellow(Dh) and Deep Navy(PC). formula was 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 cc. Soda ash added with dye soaked overnight
My name is Ann Hubbard. I am involved in a fabric dyeing group called dyehards. It has been in existence for 5 years now and is owned by Sandra Fiegi and myself. Recently I decided I wanted to keep track of my fabric dyeing by using a blog.